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What's a GLM and why should you care?
Before we dive into using nemos, you might wonder: why model at all? Why not just make a bunch of tuning curves and submit to Science? Modeling is helpful because:
The tuning curve reflects the correlation between neuronal spiking and feature of interest, but activity might be driven by some other highly correlated input (after all, correlation does not imply causation). How do you identify what's driving activity?
Your model instantiates specific hypotheses about the system (e.g., that only instantaneous current matters for firing rate) and makes specific quantitative predictions that can be used to compare among hypotheses.
We are not claiming that the GLM will allow you to uniquely determine causation! Like any statistical model or method, the GLM will not solve causation for you (causation being a notoriously difficult problem in science), but it will allow you to see the effect of adding and removing different inputs on the predicted firing rate, which can facilitate causal inferences. For more reading on causation and explanation in neuroscience, the work of Carl Craver is a good place to start.
Now that we've convinced you that modeling is worthwhile, let's get started! How should we begin?
When modeling, it's generally a good idea to start simple and add complexity as needed. Simple models are:
Easier to understand, so you can more easily reason through why a model is capturing or not capturing some feature of your data.
Easier to fit, so you can more quickly see how you did.
Surprisingly powerful, so you might not actually need all the bells and whistles you expected.
Therefore, let's start with the simplest possible model: the only input is the instantaneous value of some input. This is equivalent to saying that the only input influencing the firing rate of this neuron at time $t$ is the input it received at that same time. As neuroscientists, we know this isn't true, but given the data exploration we did above, it looks like a reasonable starting place. We can always build in more complications later.
GLM components
The Generalized Linear Model in neuroscience can also be thought of as a LNP model: a linear-nonlinear-Poisson model.
The model receives some input and then:
- sends it through a linear filter or transformation of some sort.
- passes that through a nonlinearity to get the firing rate.
- uses the firing rate as the mean of a Poisson process to generate spikes.
Let's step through each of those in turn.
Our input feature(s) are first passed through a linear transformation, which rescales and shifts the input: $m{WX}+m{c}$. In the one-dimensional case, as in this examine, this is equivalent to scaling it by a constant and adding an intercept.
In geometry, this is more correctly referred to as an affine transformation, which includes translations, scaling, and rotations. Linear transformations are the subset of affine transformations that do not include translations.
In neuroscience, "linear" is the more common term, and we will use it throughout.
This means that, in the 1d case, we have two knobs to transform the input: we can make it bigger or smaller, or we can shift it up or down. That is, we compute:
$$L(x(t)) = w \cdot x(t) + c ag{1}$$
for some value of $w$ and $c$. Let's visualize some possible transformations that our model can make:
# first import things
import numpy as np
import workshop_utils
import pynapple as nap
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# configure plots some
/home/docs/checkouts/ DeprecationWarning:
Pyarrow will become a required dependency of pandas in the next major release of pandas (pandas 3.0),
(to allow more performant data types, such as the Arrow string type, and better interoperability with other libraries)
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import pandas as pd
to make this plot work well, keep this to three values
weights = np.asarray([.5, 4, -4])
intercepts = np.asarray([.5, -3, -2])
# make a step function with some noise riding on top
input_feature = np.zeros(100)
input_feature[50:] = 1
input_feature *= np.random.rand(100)
input_feature = nap.Tsd(np.linspace(0, 100, 100), input_feature)
fig = workshop_utils.plotting.lnp_schematic(input_feature,
weights, intercepts)
With these linear transformations, we see that we can stretch or shrink the input and move its baseline up or down. Remember that the goal of this model is to predict the firing rate of the neuron. Thus, changing what happens when there's zero input is equivalent to changing the baseline firing rate of the neuron, so that's how we should think about the intercept.
However, if this is meant to be the firing rate, there's something odd --- the output of the linear transformation can be negative, but firing rates have to be non-negative! That's what the nonlinearity handles: making sure our firing rate is always positive:
fig = workshop_utils.plotting.lnp_schematic(input_feature,
weights, intercepts,
In nemos, the non-linearity is kept fixed. We default to the exponential, but a small number of other choices, such as soft-plus, are allowed. The allowed choices guarantee both the non-negativity constraint described above, as well as convexity, i.e. a single optimal solution. In principle, one could choose a more complex non-linearity, but convexity is not guaranteed in general.
Specifically, our firing rate is: $$ \lambda (t) = \exp (L(x(t)) = \exp (w \cdot x(t) + c) \tag{2}$$
We can see that the output of the nonlinear transformation is always positive, though note that the y-values have changed drastically.
Now we're ready to see what these spikes look like!
fig = workshop_utils.plotting.lnp_schematic(input_feature,
weights, intercepts,
plot_nonlinear=True, plot_spikes=True)
Remember, spiking is a stochastic process. That means that a given firing rate can give rise to a variety of different spike trains; the plot above shows three. Each spike train is a sample from a Poisson process with the mean equal to the firing rate, i.e., output of the linear-nonlinear parts of the model.
Given that this is a stochastic process that could produce an infinite number of possible spike trains, how do we compare our model against the single observed spike train we have? We use the log-likelihood. This quantifies how likely it is to observe the given spike train for the computed firing rate: if $y(t)$ is the spike counts and $\lambda(t)$ the firing rate, the equation for the log-likelihood is
$$ \sum_t \log P(y(t) | \lambda(t)) = \sum_t y(t) \log(\lambda(t)) - \lambda(t) - \log (y(t)!)\tag{3}$$
Note that this last $\log(y(t)!)$ term does not depend on $\lambda(t)$ and thus is independent of the model, so it is normally ignored.
$$ \sum_t \log P(y(t) | \lambda(t)) \propto \sum_t y(t) \log(\lambda(t)) - \lambda(t))\tag{4}$$
This is the objective function of the GLM model: we are trying to find the firing rate that maximizes the likelihood of the observed spike train.
In nemos, the log-likelihood can be computed directly by calling the
method, passing the predictors and the counts. The method first
computes the rate $\lambda(t)$ using (2) and then the likelihood using
(4). This method is used under the hood during optimization.
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 8.137 seconds)
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