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Fit Head-direction population

Learning objectives

  • Learn how to add history-related predictors to nemos GLM
  • Learn about nemos Basis objects
  • Learn how to use Basis objects with convolution
import jax
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import nemos as nmo
import numpy as np
import pynapple as nap

import workshop_utils

# Set the default precision to float64, which is generally a good idea for
# optimization purposes.
jax.config.update("jax_enable_x64", True)
# configure plots some

Data Streaming

Here we load the data from OSF. The data is a NWB file.

- Stream the head-direction neurons data
path ="Mouse32-140822.nwb", "",


We are going to open the NWB file with pynapple Since pynapple has been covered in tutorial 0, we are going faster here.

- `load_file` : open the NWB file and give a preview.
data = nap.load_file(path)



│ Keys                   Type        │
│ units                  TsGroup     │
│ sws                    IntervalSet │
│ rem                    IntervalSet │
│ position_time_support  IntervalSet │
│ epochs                 IntervalSet │
│ ry                     Tsd         │

Get spike timings

- Load the units
spikes = data["units"]



  Index    rate  location      group
-------  ------  ----------  -------
      0    2.97  thalamus          1
      1    2.43  thalamus          1
      2    5.93  thalamus          1
      3    5.04  thalamus          1
      4    0.3   adn               2
      5    0.87  adn               2
      6    0.36  adn               2
      7   10.52  adn               2
      8    2.62  adn               2
      9    2.56  adn               2
     10    7.07  adn               2
     11    0.38  adn               2
     12    1.58  adn               2
     13    4.88  adn               2
     14    8.47  adn               2
     15    0.24  adn               3
     16    0.27  adn               3
     17    6.13  adn               3
     18   11.01  adn               3
     19    5.23  adn               3
     20    6.2   adn               3
     21    2.85  adn               3
     22    9.71  adn               3
     23    1.71  adn               3
     24   19.65  adn               3
     25    3.88  adn               3
     26    4.02  adn               3
     27    0.69  adn               3
     28    1.78  adn               4
     29    4.23  adn               4
     30    2.15  adn               4
     31    0.59  adn               4
     32    1.13  adn               4
     33    5.26  adn               4
     34    1.57  adn               4
     35    4.75  thalamus          5
     36    1.31  thalamus          5
     37    0.77  thalamus          5
     38    2.02  thalamus          5
     39   27.21  thalamus          5
     40    7.28  thalamus          5
     41    0.88  thalamus          5
     42    1.02  thalamus          5
     43    6.85  thalamus          6
     44    0.94  thalamus          6
     45    0.56  thalamus          6
     46    1.15  thalamus          6
     47    0.46  thalamus          6
     48    0.19  thalamus          7

Get the behavioural epochs (in this case, sleep and wakefulness)

- Load the epochs and take only wakefulness
epochs = data["epochs"]
wake_ep = data["epochs"]["wake"]

Get the tracked orientation of the animal

- Load the angular head-direction of the animal (in radians)
angle = data["ry"]

This cell will restrict the data to what we care about i.e. the activity of head-direction neurons during wakefulness.

- Select only those units that are in ADn
spikes = spikes.getby_category("location")["adn"]
- Restrict the activity to wakefulness (both the spiking activity and the angle)
spikes = spikes.restrict(wake_ep).getby_threshold("rate", 1.0)
angle = angle.restrict(wake_ep)

First let's check that they are head-direction neurons.

- Compute tuning curves as a function of head-direction
tuning_curves = nap.compute_1d_tuning_curves(
    group=spikes, feature=angle, nb_bins=61, minmax=(0, 2 * np.pi)

Each row indicates an angular bin (in radians), and each column corresponds to a single unit. Let's plot the tuning curve of the first two neurons.

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 4))
ax[0].plot(tuning_curves.iloc[:, 0])
ax[0].set_xlabel("Angle (rad)")
ax[0].set_ylabel("Firing rate (Hz)")
ax[1].plot(tuning_curves.iloc[:, 1])
ax[1].set_xlabel("Angle (rad)")

02 head direction

Before using Nemos, let's explore the data at the population level.

Let's plot the preferred heading

- Let's visualize the data at the population level.
fig = workshop_utils.plotting.plot_head_direction_tuning(
    tuning_curves, spikes, angle, threshold_hz=1, start=8910, end=8960

Animal's Head Direction, Neural Activity

As we can see, the population activity tracks very well the current head-direction of the animal. Question : are neurons constantly tuned to head-direction and can we use it to predict the spiking activity of each neuron based only on the activity of other neurons?

To fit the GLM faster, we will use only the first 3 min of wake

- Take the first 3 minutes of wakefulness to speed up optimization
wake_ep = nap.IntervalSet(
    start=wake_ep.loc[0, "start"], end=wake_ep.loc[0, "start"] + 3 * 60

To use the GLM, we need first to bin the spike trains. Here we use pynapple

- bin the spike trains in 10 ms bin
bin_size = 0.01
count = spikes.count(bin_size, ep=wake_ep)

Here we are going to rearrange neurons order based on their prefered directions.

- sort the neurons by their preferred direction using pandas
pref_ang = tuning_curves.idxmax()

count = nap.TsdFrame(
    d=count.values[:, np.argsort(pref_ang.values)],


It's time to use nemos. Our goal is to estimate the pairwise interaction between neurons. This can be quantified with a GLM if we use the recent population spike history to predict the current time step.

Self-Connected Single Neuron

To simplify our life, let's see first how we can model spike history effects in a single neuron. The simplest approach is to use counts in fixed length window $i$, $y_{t-i}, \dots, y_{t-1}$ to predict the next count $y_{t}$. Let's plot the count history,

- Start with modeling a self-connected single neuron - Select a neuron and visualize the spike count time course
# select a neuron's spike count time series
neuron_count = count.loc[[0]]

# restrict to a smaller time interval
epoch_one_spk = nap.IntervalSet(
    start=count.time_support["start"][0], end=count.time_support["start"][0] + 1.2
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 3.5))
    neuron_count.restrict(epoch_one_spk).t, neuron_count.restrict(epoch_one_spk).d, where="post"
plt.title("Spike Count Time Series")
plt.xlabel("Time (sec)")

Spike Count Time Series

Features Construction

Let's fix the spike history window size that we will use as predictor.

- Use the past counts over a fixed window to predict the current sample
# set the size of the spike history window in seconds
window_size_sec = 0.8

workshop_utils.plotting.plot_history_window(neuron_count, epoch_one_spk, window_size_sec)

Spike Count Time Series


<Figure size 800x350 with 1 Axes>

For each time point, we shift our window one bin at the time and vertically stack the spike count history in a matrix. Each row of the matrix will be used as the predictors for the rate in the next bin (red narrow rectangle in the figure).

- Roll your window one bin at the time to predict the subsequent samples
workshop_utils.plotting.run_animation(neuron_count, float(epoch_one_spk.start))


/home/docs/checkouts/ FutureWarning: Calling float on a single element Series is deprecated and will raise a TypeError in the future. Use float(ser.iloc[0]) instead
  workshop_utils.plotting.run_animation(neuron_count, float(epoch_one_spk.start))

If $t$ is smaller than the window size, we won't have a full window of spike history for estimating the rate. One may think of padding the window (with zeros for example) but this may generate weird border artifacts. To avoid that, we can simply restrict our analysis to times $t$ larger than the window. In this case, the total number of possible shifts is ("num_samples - window_size + 1"). We also have to discard the very last shift of the matrix, since we don't have any more counts to predict (the red rectangle above is out of range), leaving us with "num_samples - window_size" rows.

A fast way to compute this feature matrix is convolving the counts with the identity matrix, and get rid of the last row result.

- Form a predictor matrix by vertically stacking all the windows (you can use a convolution).

Let's apply the convolution and strip the last row of the output.

# convert the prediction window to bins (by multiplying with the sampling rate)
window_size = int(window_size_sec * neuron_count.rate)

# convolve the counts with the identity matrix.
input_feature = nmo.utils.convolve_1d_trials(
    np.eye(window_size), np.expand_dims(neuron_count.d, axis=1)

The binned counts originally have shape "number of samples", we should check that the dimension are matching our expectation

- Check the shape of the counts and features.
print(f"Time bins in counts: {neuron_count.shape[0]}")
print(f"Convolution window size in bins: {window_size}")
print(f"Feature shape: {input_feature.shape}")


Time bins in counts: 18000
Convolution window size in bins: 80
Feature shape: (17921, 1, 80)

As discussed, we should remove the last time sample from the input features.

- Match time axis.
# get rid of the last time point.
input_feature = np.squeeze(input_feature[:-1])

print(f"Feature shape: {input_feature.shape}")
print(f"Time bins in counts: {neuron_count.shape[0]}")
print(f"Convolution window size in bins: {window_size}")


Feature shape: (17920, 80)
Time bins in counts: 18000
Convolution window size in bins: 80


The convolution is performed in mode "valid" and always returns num_samples - window_size + 1 time points. This is true in general (numpy, scipy, etc.).

We can visualize the output for a few time bins

- Plot the convolution output.
suptitle = "Input feature: Count History"
neuron_id = 0
workshop_utils.plotting.plot_features(input_feature, count.rate, suptitle)

Input feature: Count History


<Figure size 800x800 with 20 Axes>

As you may see, the time axis is backward, this happens because convolution flips the time axis. This is equivalent, as we can interpret the result as how much a spike will affect the future rate. In the previous tutorial our feature was 1-dimensional (just the current), now instead the feature dimension is 80, because our bin size was 0.01 sec and the window size is 0.8 sec. We can learn these weights by maximum likelihood by fitting a GLM.

When working a real dataset, it is good practice to train your models on a chunk of the data and use the other chunk to assess the model performance. This process is known as "cross-validation". There is no unique strategy on how to cross-validate your model; What works best depends on the characteristic of your data (time series or independent samples, presence or absence of trials...), and that of your model. Here, for simplicity use the first half of the wake epochs for training and the second half for testing. This is a reasonable choice if the statistics of the neural activity does not change during the course of the recording. We will learn about better cross-validation strategy in later tutorials.

- Convert the features back to a pynapple TsdFrame.
# convert features to TsdFrame
input_feature = nap.TsdFrame(t=neuron_count.t[window_size:], d=np.asarray(input_feature))

Fitting the model

- Split your epochs in two for validation purposes.
# construct the train and test epochs
duration = input_feature.time_support.tot_length("s")
start = input_feature.time_support["start"]
end = input_feature.time_support["end"]
first_half = nap.IntervalSet(start, start + duration / 2)
second_half = nap.IntervalSet(start + duration / 2, end)

Fit the glm to the first half of the recording and visualize the ML weights.

- Fit a GLM to the first half.
# define the GLM object
model = workshop_utils.model.GLM(regularizer=nmo.regularizer.UnRegularized("LBFGS"))

# Fit over the training epochs, neuron_count.restrict(first_half))


<workshop_utils.model.GLM object at 0x7fab7752db40>
- Plot the weights.
plt.title("Spike History Weights")
plt.plot(np.arange(window_size) / count.rate, model.coef_, lw=2, label="GLM raw history 1st Half")
plt.axhline(0, color="k", lw=0.5)
plt.xlabel("Time From Spike (sec)")

Spike History Weights


<matplotlib.legend.Legend object at 0x7fab813e9390>

The response in the previous figure seems noise added to a decay, therefore the response can be described with fewer degrees of freedom. In other words, it looks like we are using way too many weights to describe a simple response. If we are correct, what would happen if we re-fit the weights on the other half of the data?

Inspecting the results

- Fit on the other half and compare results.
# fit on the test set

model_second_half = workshop_utils.model.GLM(regularizer=nmo.regularizer.UnRegularized("LBFGS")), neuron_count.restrict(second_half))

plt.title("Spike History Weights")
plt.plot(np.arange(window_size) / count.rate, model.coef_, label="GLM raw history 1st Half", lw=2)
plt.plot(np.arange(window_size) / count.rate, model_second_half.coef_, color="orange", label="GLM raw history 2nd Half", lw=2)
plt.axhline(0, color="k", lw=0.5)
plt.xlabel("Time From Spike (sec)")

Spike History Weights


<matplotlib.legend.Legend object at 0x7fab808c6980>

What can we conclude?

The fast fluctuations are inconsistent across fits, indicating that they are probably capturing noise, a phenomenon known as over-fitting; On the other hand, the decaying trend is fairly consistent, even if our estimate is noisy. You can imagine how things could get worst if we needed a finer temporal resolution, such 1ms time bins (which would require 800 coefficients instead of 80). What can we do to mitigate over-fitting now?

Reducing feature dimensionality

One way to proceed is to find a lower-dimensional representation of the response by parametrizing the decay effect. For instance, we could try to model it with an exponentially decaying function $f(t) = \exp( - \alpha t)$, with $\alpha >0$ a positive scalar. This is not a bad idea, because we would greatly simplify the dimensionality our features (from 80 to 1). Unfortunately, there is no way to know a-priori what is a good parameterization. More importantly, not all the parametrizations guarantee a unique and stable solution to the maximum likelihood estimation of the coefficients (convexity).

In the GLM framework, the main way to construct a lower dimensional parametrization while preserving convexity, is to use a set of basis functions. For history-type inputs, whether of the spiking history or of the current history, we'll use the raised cosine log-stretched basis first described in Pillow et al., 2005. This basis set has the nice property that their precision drops linearly with distance from event, which is a makes sense for many history-related inputs in neuroscience: whether an input happened 1 or 5 msec ago matters a lot, whereas whether an input happened 51 or 55 msec ago is less important.

- Visualize the raised cosine basis.

02 head direction


<Figure size 640x480 with 1 Axes>


We provide a handful of different choices for basis functions, and selecting the proper basis function for your input is an important analytical step. We will eventually provide guidance on this choice, but for now we'll give you a decent choice.

nemos includes Basis objects to handle the construction and use of these basis functions.

When we instantiate this object, the only argument we need to specify is the number of functions we want: with more basis functions, we'll be able to represent the effect of the corresponding input with the higher precision, at the cost of adding additional parameters.

- Define the raised cosine basis through the "nemos.basis" module.
basis = nmo.basis.RaisedCosineBasisLog(n_basis_funcs=8)
- Create the basis kernel matrix (window_size, n_basis_funcs) with the "evaluate_on_grid" method.
# `basis.evaluate_on_grid` is a convenience method to view all basis functions
# across their whole domain:
time, basis_kernels = basis.evaluate_on_grid(window_size)


# time takes equi-spaced values between 0 and 1, we could multiply by the
# duration of our window to scale it to seconds.
time *= window_size_sec


(80, 8)

To appreciate why the raised-cosine basis can approximate well our response we can learn a "good" set of weight for the basis element such that a weighted sum of the basis approximates the GLM weights for the count history. One way to do so is by minimizing the least-squares.

- Check that we can approximate the "decay" in the history filter with the basis. Use least-squares to find choose appropriate weights.
# compute the least-squares weights
lsq_coef, _, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(basis_kernels, model.coef_, rcond=-1)

# plot the basis and the approximation
workshop_utils.plotting.plot_weighted_sum_basis(time, model.coef_, basis_kernels, lsq_coef)

Basis, Coefficients, Basis x Coefficients, Spike History Effect


<Figure size 1200x300 with 4 Axes>

The first plot is the response of each of the 8 basis functions to a single pulse. This is known as the impulse response function, and is a useful way to characterize linear systems like our basis objects. The second plot are is a bar plot representing the least-square coefficients. The third one are the impulse responses scaled by the weights. The last plot shows the sum of the scaled response overlapped to the original spike count history weights.

Our predictor previously was huge: every possible 80 time point chunk of the data, for 716800 total numbers. By using this basis set we can instead reduce the predictor to 8 numbers for every 80 time point window for 71680 total numbers. Basically an order of magnitude less. With 1ms bins we would have achieved 2 order of magnitude reduction in input size. This is a huge benefit in terms of memory allocation and, computing time. As an additional benefit, we will reduce over-fitting.

Let's see our basis in action. We can "compress" spike history feature by convolving the basis with the counts (without creating the large spike history feature matrix). This can be performed in nemos.

- Convolve the counts with the basis functions.
conv_spk = nmo.utils.convolve_1d_trials(basis_kernels, np.expand_dims(neuron_count, 1))
conv_spk = nap.TsdFrame(t=count[window_size:].t, d=np.asarray(conv_spk[:-1, 0]))

print(f"Raw count history as feature: {input_feature.shape}")
print(f"Compressed count history as feature: {conv_spk.shape}")


Raw count history as feature: (17920, 80)
Compressed count history as feature: (17920, 8)
- Visualize the output.
# Visualize the convolution results
epoch_one_spk = nap.IntervalSet(8917.5, 8918.5)
epoch_multi_spk = nap.IntervalSet(8979.2, 8980.2)

workshop_utils.plotting.plot_convolved_counts(neuron_count, conv_spk, epoch_one_spk, epoch_multi_spk)

# find interval with two spikes to show the accumulation, in a second row

Convolved Counts


<Figure size 650x450 with 2 Axes>

Now that we have our "compressed" history feature matrix, we can fit the ML parameters for a GLM.

Fit and compare the models

- Fit the model using the compressed features.
# use restrict on interval set training
model_basis = workshop_utils.model.GLM(regularizer=nmo.regularizer.UnRegularized("LBFGS")), neuron_count.restrict(first_half))


<workshop_utils.model.GLM object at 0x7fab807482b0>

We can plot the resulting response, noting that the weights we just learned needs to be "expanded" back to the original window_size dimension by multiplying them with the basis kernels. We have now 8 coefficients,



[ 0.00215222  0.11645403  0.11941707  0.03088728  0.06551914  0.08844275
 -0.00328118  0.05596747]

In order to get the response we need to multiply the coefficients by their corresponding basis function, and sum them.

- Reconstruct the history filter.
self_connection = np.matmul(basis_kernels, model_basis.coef_)



- Compare with the raw count history model.
plt.title("Spike History Weights")
plt.plot(time, model.coef_, alpha=0.3, label="GLM raw history")
plt.plot(time, self_connection, "--k", label="GLM basis", lw=2)
plt.axhline(0, color="k", lw=0.5)
plt.xlabel("Time from spike (sec)")

Spike History Weights


<matplotlib.legend.Legend object at 0x7fab7673b3a0>

Let's check if our new estimate does a better job in terms of over-fitting. We can do that by visual comparison, as we did previously.

- Fit the other half of the data. - Plot and compare the results.
model_basis_second_half = workshop_utils.model.GLM(regularizer=nmo.regularizer.UnRegularized("LBFGS")), neuron_count.restrict(second_half))

# compute responses for the 2nd half fit
self_connection_second_half = np.matmul(basis_kernels, model_basis_second_half.coef_)

plt.title("Spike History Weights")
plt.plot(time, model.coef_, "k", alpha=0.3, label="GLM raw history 1st half")
plt.plot(time, model_second_half.coef_, alpha=0.3, color="orange", label="GLM raw history 2nd half")
plt.plot(time, self_connection, "--k", lw=2, label="GLM basis 1st half")
plt.plot(time, self_connection_second_half, color="orange", lw=2, ls="--", label="GLM basis 2nd half")
plt.axhline(0, color="k", lw=0.5)
plt.xlabel("Time from spike (sec)")

Spike History Weights


<matplotlib.legend.Legend object at 0x7fab764f5630>

Or we can score the model predictions using both one half of the set for training and the other half for testing.

- Use the score function to evaluate the GLM predictions.
# compare model scores, as expected the training score is better with more parameters
# this may could be over-fitting.
print(f"full history train score: {model.score(input_feature.restrict(first_half), neuron_count.restrict(first_half), score_type='pseudo-r2-Cohen')}")
print(f"basis train score: {model_basis.score(conv_spk.restrict(first_half), neuron_count.restrict(first_half), score_type='pseudo-r2-Cohen')}")


full history train score: 0.17751769029108902
basis train score: 0.16550792093321423

To check that, let's try to see ho the model perform on unseen data and obtaining a test score.

print(f"\nfull history test score: {model.score(input_feature.restrict(second_half), neuron_count.restrict(second_half), score_type='pseudo-r2-Cohen')}")
print(f"basis test score: {model_basis.score(conv_spk.restrict(second_half), neuron_count.restrict(second_half), score_type='pseudo-r2-Cohen')}")


full history test score: 0.23067108877239942
basis test score: 0.23782006696403998

Let's extract the rates

- Predict the rates and plot the results.
rate_basis = nap.Tsd(t=conv_spk.t, d=np.asarray(model_basis.predict(conv_spk.d))) * conv_spk.rate
rate_history = nap.Tsd(t=conv_spk.t, d=np.asarray(model.predict(input_feature))) * conv_spk.rate
ep = nap.IntervalSet(start=8819.4, end=8821)

# plot the rates
    {"Self-connection raw history":rate_history, "Self-connection bsais": rate_basis}

02 head direction


<Figure size 640x480 with 1 Axes>

All-to-all Connectivity

The same approach can be applied to the whole population. Now the firing rate of a neuron is predicted not only by its own count history, but also by the rest of the simultaneously recorded population. We can convolve the basis with the counts of each neuron to get an array of predictors of shape, (num_time_points, num_neurons, num_basis_funcs). This can be done in nemos with a single call,

Preparing the features

- Convolve all counts. - Print the output shape
convolved_count = nmo.utils.convolve_1d_trials(basis_kernels, count.values)
convolved_count = np.asarray(convolved_count[:-1])

Check the dimension to make sure it make sense

print(f"Convolved count shape: {convolved_count.shape}")


Convolved count shape: (17920, 19, 8)

This is all neuron to one neuron. We can fit a neuron at the time, this is mathematically equivalent to fit the population jointly and easier to parallelize.


Once we condition on past activity, log-likelihood of the population is the sum of the log-likelihood of individual neurons. Maximizing the sum (i.e. the population log-likelihood) is equivalent to maximizing each individual term separately (i.e. fitting one neuron at the time).

Nemos requires an input of shape (num_time_points, num_features). To achieve that we need to concatenate the convolved count history in a single feature dimension. This can be done using numpy reshape.

- Reshape the convolved counts to define the feature matrix.
convolved_count = convolved_count.reshape(convolved_count.shape[0], -1)
print(f"Convolved count reshaped: {convolved_count.shape}")
convolved_count = nap.TsdFrame(t=neuron_count.t[window_size:], d=convolved_count)


Convolved count reshaped: (17920, 152)

Now fit the GLM for each neuron.

Fitting the Model

- Loop over the neurons - Fit each neuron - Store the result in a list
models = []
for neu in range(count.shape[1]):
    print(f"fitting neuron {neu}...")
    count_neu = count[:, neu]
    model = workshop_utils.model.GLM(
        regularizer=nmo.regularizer.Ridge(regularizer_strength=0.1, solver_name="LBFGS")
    # models.append(, count_neu.restrict(train_epoch)))
    models.append(, count_neu.restrict(convolved_count.time_support)))


fitting neuron 0...
fitting neuron 1...
fitting neuron 2...
fitting neuron 3...
fitting neuron 4...
fitting neuron 5...
fitting neuron 6...
fitting neuron 7...
fitting neuron 8...
fitting neuron 9...
fitting neuron 10...
fitting neuron 11...
fitting neuron 12...
fitting neuron 13...
fitting neuron 14...
fitting neuron 15...
fitting neuron 16...
fitting neuron 17...
fitting neuron 18...

Comparing model predictions.

Predict the rate (counts are already sorted by tuning prefs)

- Predict the firing rate of each neuron, store it in an array of shape (num_sample_points - window_size, num_neurons) - Convert the array to a pynapple TsdFrame
predicted_firing_rate = np.zeros((count.shape[0] - window_size, count.shape[1]))
for receiver_neu in range(count.shape[1]):
    predicted_firing_rate[:, receiver_neu] = models[receiver_neu].predict(
    ) * conv_spk.rate

predicted_firing_rate = nap.TsdFrame(t=count[window_size:].t, d=predicted_firing_rate)

Plot fit predictions over a short window not used for training.

- Visualize the predicted rate and tuning function.
# use pynapple for time axis for all variables plotted for tick labels in imshow
workshop_utils.plotting.plot_head_direction_tuning_model(tuning_curves, predicted_firing_rate, spikes, angle, threshold_hz=1,
                                                start=8910, end=8960, cmap_label="hsv")

Animal's Head Direction, Neural Activity, Neural Firing Rate


<Figure size 1200x600 with 18 Axes>

Let's see if our firing rate predictions improved and in what sense.

- Visually compare all the models.
    {"Self-connection: raw history": rate_history,
     "Self-connection: bsais": rate_basis,
     "All-to-all: basis": predicted_firing_rate[:, 0]}

02 head direction


<Figure size 640x480 with 1 Axes>

Compute the responses by multiplying the coefficients with the basis and adding the result. This can be done in a single line of code with numpy.einsum.

Visualizing the connectivity

Compute the tuning curve form the predicted rates

- Compute tuning curves from the predicted rates using pynapple.
tuning = nap.compute_1d_tuning_curves_continuous(predicted_firing_rate,
                                                 minmax=(0, 2 * np.pi))

# Extract the weights
# <div class="notes">
# - Extract the weights and store it in an array,
#   shape (num_neurons, num_neurons, num_features).
# </div>

weights = np.zeros((count.shape[1], count.shape[1], basis.n_basis_funcs))
for receiver_neu in range(count.shape[1]):
    weights[receiver_neu] = models[receiver_neu].coef_.reshape(
        count.shape[1], basis.n_basis_funcs
- Multiply the weights by the basis, to get the history filters.
responses = np.einsum("ijk, tk->ijt", weights, basis_kernels)



(19, 19, 80)

Finally, we can visualize the pairwise interactions by plotting all the coupling filters.

- Plot the connectivity map.
workshop_utils.plotting.plot_coupling(responses, tuning)

Pairwise Interaction


<Figure size 1000x800 with 400 Axes>


# 1. What would happen if we regressed explicitly the head direction?
# 2. What would happen to the connectivity if we fit on the sleep epochs?
# 3. How would we sparsify the connectivity?

Total running time of the script: ( 1 minutes 40.702 seconds)

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